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I Think Therefore I See is a VR experience aimed at those who are not visually impaired, to experience what they believe the life of a visually impaired person is like through VR. The VR experience will allow the user to experience what they think it's like vs. what it is actually like to be visually impaired. The overall aim of the project is to eliminate bias and assumptions towards visual impairment.


According to two different user study, the whole experience were seperated to three parts: 

Chapter 1--simulate how normal people think visual impaired people see, AR- the room that the main character spend most of time in, Chapter 2--Visualization of the what the main character really perceive.

The whole story was based on an interview with ----Jacqueline, who lost her version at the late stage. Which allows her remain the basic awareness of things. This experience choose a ordinary morning. Jacqueline will be the Voice Guide to help all the users to experience her daily life. ( All the voice in this experience was from Voice Actress)



The experience starts off with chapter one, the aim of chapter one was to create three different levels of blinders with the use of three different visual shades, one with shapes and colours, one nearly pitch black with white outline and one with rims/glimmers of light. This segment was achieved by the research from iteration one, which were the assumptions people who aren’t visually impaired had. 


As the project went on, the content for the VR platform continued to constantly develop overtime especially after feedback from both research iterations. We ensured the content continued to develop and improved, as it was important for us to be able to best achieve the main goal of the project. An example of the virtual reality content developing during the project in the initial stages, was removing the option of the user being able to select any experience they would like to enter, being able to select an environment/interaction of their choice in any order. After some thought and research we found that a way to improve the VR experience would be make the experience a guided/linear one. One were the user is guided though the experience, we found this was better suited for the VR experience as it was better suited to our aim of the project and directly aligned with our objectives for the project. 

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Followed by chapter one is at the AR segment, which focuses on a 3D model maker, allowing the user to scan the physical 3D model to experience the AR. The AR experience focuses on educating the user on visual impairment and teaching the user some key information visually impaired people use to navigate a space such as measurements, distances and techniques for organisation, that they use in their day-to-day life. Once the user has finished the AR segment, they are guided into chapter two 


chapter two which is where the user has now embodied Jaqueline the grandma, the user is guided in the space through animation and isn’t tasked with doing anything but watching how Jaqueline actually goes about her morning routine and what she sees whilst doing so.

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